【免费试音】A组-婷婷 QQ:287139042   微信号:PAIKE173       B组-露露  QQ:327468121   微信号:PAIKE130


发布时间:2021-04-07 09:17:25 类别:配音问答 浏览:2469


1. She saw the world not always as it was, with just a little bit of magic.
2. True, she had no title, nor crown, nor castle, but she was the ruler of her own little kingdom, whose borders were the house and meadow on the forest's edge where her people had lived for generations.
3. I want to tell you a secret. A great secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer. You must always remember this. Have courage and be kind.
4. Time passed, and pain turned to memory. In her heart, Ella stayed the same.
5. His widow, an honorable woman, finds herself alone, though still in the prime of her life.
6. She's skinny as a broomstick! And that stringy hair!
7. Ella's stepmother, high-spirited lady that she was, set out to restore life and laughter to the house.
8. Bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey.
9. Sometimes I could scratch your eyes out!
10. I think they're finding the sleeping quarters rather confining.
11. Can't you see? None of that matters. We're ruined.
你们还不懂吗 那些都不重要。我们完蛋了。
12. And by and by they considered Ella less a sister than a servant.


1.Show me the money!“拿钱给我看!”—— 征服情海(Jerry Maguire, 1996)被公司解雇的体育经纪人杰瑞.马圭尔拼命打电话试图留住自己的客户,啰嗦的橄榄球运动员罗德提出的条件是杰瑞必须“让他看到钱”。
2.Why don’t you come up sometime and see me?“你干嘛不常来看看我呢?”—— 侬本多情(She Done Him Wrong, 1933)露夫人是一家夜总会的老板,生性风骚,喜欢周旋在许多情人之间。影片中当她看到年轻英俊的萨吉时便用这句台词跟他调情。
3.I’m walking here! I’m walking here!“我正在这走呢,我正在这走呢!”—— 午夜牛郎(Midnight Cowboy, 1969,Ratso是个街头骗子,影片中有个镜头是他和另一位男主角乔一起过马路,差点被一辆计程车撞到。这个镜头据说是即兴发挥的,达斯丁.霍夫曼说他本来想说的是:“我们这里在拍电影。”结果说出来的却是现在这句著名的台词。
4.Play it, Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By.’“弹吧,山姆。弹‘时光飞逝’。”—— 卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca, 1942)伊尔莎和丈夫一起走进瑞克的酒吧,当她认出山姆后,便请他弹这首以前和瑞克在一起时经常听他弹奏的曲子。
5.You can’t handle the truth!“你担当不起真相!”—— 好人寥寥(A Few Good Men, 1992) 30. I want to be alone.“我想一个人呆着。”—— 大饭店(Grand Hotel, 1932)
6.After all, tomorrow is another day!“毕竟,明天又是新的一天!”—— 乱世佳人(Gone with the Wind, 1939) 32. Round up the usual suspects.“围捕嫌犯。”—— 卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca, 1942)影片结尾,瑞克枪杀德国军官后束手待毙。面对闻讯赶来的部下,雷诺警长出人意料地命令他们搜捕嫌犯,放过了瑞克。
7.I’ll have what she’s having.“给我来份和她一样的。”—— 当哈利遇到莎莉(When Harry Met Sally, 1989)34. You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.“你知道怎么吹口哨,是吗,斯蒂夫?只要把嘴唇闭上然后吹气就行了。”—— 逃亡(To Have and Have Not, 1944)
8.You’re gonna need a bigger boat。“你需要一艘更大的船。—— 大白鲨(Jaws, 1975)36. Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!“警徽?我们没有警徽!我们不需要警徽!我用不着给你看什么臭警徽!”—— 碧血金砂(The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948)
9.I’ll be back.“我会回来的。”—— 终结者(The Terminator, 1984)这句台词出现在T800被拒绝进入警察局时,随后他开着卡车冲进了警局。
10.Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.“今天,我认为自己是地球表面最幸运的人。”—— 扬基的骄傲(The Pride of the Yankees, 1942)本片是纽约洋基队传奇巨星鲁.盖瑞的传记片,这句台词出自他退役前在洋基体育场的著名演讲。


The perfect infrastructures of Siping: Shuangliao Power Station whose total installed capacity is 1.4 million kilowatts, urban water supply project which supplies 100,000 cubic meters, the Sewage Treatment Plant with the capacity of 90,000 tons of sewage treatment, Siping Power Plant which can supply 280 tons of steaming gas per hour, and the Gas Project which can meet the demands of the citizens and industries for 20 years have been built and put to use successively. Hongzui hi-tech Development Zone in Siping City takes full advantage of the latest development, designs with a high starting point, constructs with a high standard. The designed region has completed the supplies of the water, electricity, heat, steam, gas, program-controlled telephones, and broadband Internet, the roads are open and the land is flat.



